Preservation Greensboro Inc.

Get to Know Us
Did you know? As Greensboro’s only not-for-profit advocate for historic preservation, we receive no funding from city, state, nor federal sources. Our success is based on your support. Members receive two free passes to Blandwood, and much more. Preservation Greensboro is among North Carolina's oldest city-based organizations dedicated to saving our community's architectural treasures!

Join Preservation Greensboro to save historic sites, neighborhoods, landmarks, and culture in the Guilford County area. We're one of the oldest preservation advocacy nonprofits in the state!
Tour Blandwood, the Italian Villa style home of Governor John Motley Morehead, designed by architect A. J. Davis.
Host your next event at the Carriage House, a two-level pavilion available for rent on the grounds of Blandwood.
Come shop the Architectural Salvage retail store, where you'll find vintage merchandise, architectural elements, and building materials salvaged from historic homes and local buildings.