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Become a Sponsor!
We’d like you to consider your organization’s sponsorship and we could not put on such an incredible event without your generous support. The Tour of Historic Homes & Gardens continues to be PGI's largest fundraising event, in 2024 we sold 486 tickets and made $29,800 for PGI. Additionally, between ticket holders, volunteers, and sponsors we had over 525 individuals who attended the tour. WOW!
As we gear up for Preservation Greensboro's Fifteenth Annual Tour of Historic Homes & Gardens, we’re hoping you’ll consider sponsoring once again. Our 2025 tour will be held May 17the & 18th, 2025 in Irving Park, a picturesque downtown suburb, planned and developed beginning in the early twentieth century as Greensboro's ultimate park community.
The sponsorship levels and prices are unchanged from 2025. Your sponsorship will make a significant impact in helping us continue the mission of PGI and help provide the best experience possible for event attendees and participants as well as benefiting Preservation Greensboro, Inc. Please let me know of your interest by filling out and returning the 2025 Sponsor Form using the link below.
Thanks once again for your support and we hope you will join us as a sponsor in 2025!
Feel free to contact the Tour Chair, Anna Scott Pulliam (anna@thepiedmontsrealtor.com | (910) 330-2065), if you have any questions, ideas, or requests.